The advertising packages provided by our Corporation is not meant to be construed as a Sweepstakes Prize, Reward, or Recompense to any individual. Advertising Packages are not intended as an inducement nor are they designed to dissuade an employee from performing his/her duty to their employer.
In an continuing effort to promote professional and ethical practices it is incumbent upon us to stress that any and all Advertising Packages are intended for the Sole benefit of the Facility.
The Corporation, in the use of the Advertising Packages, is to promote Corporate name recognition and customer loyalty. Should you prefer that we not send an Advertising Package to your Company, Simply Contact us at 1-800-200-6442.
All gift cards have a 90-day use period from the time of order.
We would also like to point out that all orders are verified and recorded by our representative and your authorized buyer prior to shipment.